Bad news: co-action is incomplete. Continue reading “Incompleteness”
NEPLS slides up
Here are the slides from my NEPLS talk. People seemed to enjoy it, and I got a bunch of laughs. Positive comments afterwards. Mitch Wand couldn’t stay for my talk, but I got a few minutes to talk with him, and he gave me a promising suggestion for the completeness theorem. Overall a good experience, though as usual I am relieved now that it is over.
NEPLS submission
I submitted the following to NEPLS: Continue reading “NEPLS submission”
OOPSLA report
Back from OOPSLA, with mixed feelings. This was the smallest OOPSLA ever, and there are some big changes coming next year: they are renaming the conference SPLASH (Systems, Programming, Languages, Applications: Software for Humanity). OOPSLA becomes a colocated conference within the SPLASH umbrella, along with Onward and Dynamic Languages. The Onward program was perhaps the best ever this year, with some interesting preliminary work that was more than just metaphors and hand waving. Jonathan Aldrich’s Plaid language is worth following. Continue reading “OOPSLA report”
Onward talk
Here is a video of my Onward talk.