Draft Onward paper

At long last, I have posted a draft of the paper I am submitting to Onward this year. Still pretty rough, but it is due a week from Monday, so I am pushing it out now to get feedback in time. Coherent Reaction. All comments welcome. What are the hard parts to understand? What is the related work?

As you can see, I have changed the name from Juncture to Coherence.

Thanks – Jonathan

Update: Submitted! Revised version at above link. Thanks for everyone’s help.

Gradual Typing

Jeremy Siek is doing some great work on gradual typing, and it may get incorporated into Jython. Here is a presentation, and a video. A similar idea is Gilad Bracha’s Pluggable Types. JavaScript 2 had planned to do gradual typing, though it is unclear if that will survive the collapse of the project.

It seems I usually have negative things to say here, so I wanted to note an example of something positive. Jeremy’s work is Computer Science that is imminently relevant to practicing programmers. I think gradual types are an inevitable feature of future programming languages.

JavaScript is good enough

For some time now people have been talking about web browsers as an application platform that supplants the PC. So called “Rich Internet Applications” use JavaScript or Flash or Silverlight to provide an attractive user interface (unlike HTML) close to that of traditional PC apps. JavaScript has been recently getting more attention because of some new VM’s that dramatically increase its performance (i.e., TraceMonkey, SquirrelFish, and V8). Dan Ingalls gave a talk at CUSEC about the Lively Kernel, which is a Smalltalk-style environment for JavaScript, running completely inside the browser. He was initially concerned that JavaScript is just a toy language, but in the end concluded that it is “good enough”. That prompted me to take a closer look. Continue reading “JavaScript is good enough”