Funny/sad quote of the day

From the folks who brought you UML: Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models

Constraints are excluded from fUML, because they are considered to be design‐time annotations that should already be satisfied by a well‐formed model. Otherwise, the general semantics of the run time checking of constraints is not currently well specified in UML 2, particularly when constraints should be evaluated and what should happen if they should fail. Further elaboration of the semantics of constraint checking in UML was judged to be outside the scope of the fUML specification.

Alright already, here’s the source

Here is the source and binaries of the Schematic Tables demo. I really don’t think it is of use to anyone, but I am getting tired of explaining that. This stuff is on the shelf right now while I work on other language issues.

What’s next?

Since my last paper was rejected I have been thinking about what to do next. To tell the truth, by the time I had finished that paper I had lost interest in the topic. It seems that for the last few years I have been lurching around in different directions. Here are some of my thoughts about a new strategy. Please let me know what you think. Continue reading “What’s next?”