Since my last paper was rejected I have been thinking about what to do next. To tell the truth, by the time I had finished that paper I had lost interest in the topic. It seems that for the last few years I have been lurching around in different directions. Here are some of my thoughts about a new strategy. Please let me know what you think. Continue reading “What’s next?”
Is Programming Art?
A brief interview in a fledgling webzine.
They love me not
My GPCE paper was rejected, and rather harshly. You can read the reviews below. My analysis is that I was rejected for not being incremental to prior work in the field. Continue reading “They love me not”
Modular Generation and Customization
The adventure in blogademics continues: I have posted a draft of my next paper. Comments are welcome – the deadline is 5/19. Thanks to everyone who supplied references in response to my last post – you are in the acknowledgments.
Update – the link above is to the final version, pusblished as a tech report. I should add for those familiar with my UI work that there is almost no UI in this paper. I am trying to motivate and explain the model underlying my last two papers. It’s not just about ease of use – it is also about expressive power.
Collections with stable iterators
Oh oracle of the interwebs –
I am writing a GPCE paper, and one of the contributions is a model of sequences (AKA collections) that has stable unshifting positions. Standard collections use an array abstraction where access is by integer ordinal position, which shifts under insertion and deletion. This manifests as the fact that iterators are broken by insertion and deletion operations. Linked list iterators also break under deletion.
Does anyone know of alternative proposals with stable positions/iterators? I don’t know of any, but I can’t be the first person to do this. Continue reading “Collections with stable iterators”