Roly Perera offers a critique of Subtext: Why syntax won’t go away. It’s great to get this kind of feedback. I like Roly’s visionary thinking – I hope grad school doesn’t pound it out of him. Overall, we are in violent agreement on many issues.
Continue reading “Why Syntax Must Die”
OK, this is what everyone wants to hear.
Continue reading “OOPSLA Gossip”
Galactic Premiere of Subtext 2
Here I am live-blogging myself at OOPSLA. I guess you know you have arrived when you get heckled by Guy Steele. Actually the talk seemed to go over pretty well.
I have posted a video of essentially the same talk. As always, comments welcome.
Beautiful Code
O’Reilly just published Beautiful Code. I was invited to contribute, but I just could not go along with the premise. I disagree that beauty is a guiding principle of programming. Here is how I responded. Continue reading “Beautiful Code”
Thank You
I have submitted the final version of my OOPSLA paper. What’s cool is that I got some very helpful comments on the blog and mailing list. I want to particularly thank Jacques Carette, Matt Hellige, and Macneil Shonle, whose comments were incorporated into the paper (and are acknowledged therein). Thanks to everyone else for their feedback and encouragement. It really means a lot to get this kind of grassroots support. I just hope I can now actually build something worthy of your interest.